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Let QuestBridge guide you as you decide who to ask to write your recommendations, how to ask, when to ask, and more!
Recommendations are often a required component of college or scholarship applications. A strong recommendation can differentiate you among a large pool of applicants. Recommendations from teachers can offer insight into your academic performance and personal character. The School Report (counselor recommendation) can also provide a sense of how you stand out within your class at school. The earlier you build relationships with your recommenders, the better, as they can be excellent advocates for you on your path to college.
Recommendations and references
Please note that QuestBridge does not accept additional recommendations. If you are interested in submitting additional letters, please contact colleges directly to determine whether they are willing to accept them.
College Prep Scholars Program
For the College Prep Scholars Program for high school juniors, you will need to obtain:
- One reference from a high school teacher in a core academic subject, preferably from 10th or 11th grade.
National College Match
For the National College Match application for high school seniors, you will need to obtain two recommendations and one School Report:
- Two recommendations from high school teachers in core academic subjects, preferably from 11th grade.
- A School Report from current high school counselor
Asking for a recommendation
Use the criteria below when selecting who to ask for recommendations. If you answer “no” to many of the questions below, consider asking someone else for a recommendation.
Did they teach you recently?
Did they teach you in a core academic subject (English, History/Social Studies, Math, Science, Foreign Language)?
Did you do well in their class, or improve dramatically?
Did they agree to write the letter without hesitation?
Do they know you outside of the classroom?
Can they speak to your personal qualities or strengths?
Do they have time to finish a letter before the deadline?
Your teachers and counselors will be writing recommendations for other students as well, so provide them with ample time to complete your recommendation. In general, you should ask recommenders at least two to three weeks before the deadline. One month prior or more is preferable.
Asking for a recommendation in-person is always preferable. First, ask if they feel comfortable writing you a strong recommendation. If the answer is no, make sure you have enough time to ask someone else.
It is a good idea to provide your recommenders with a packet of information about yourself, including some combination of the following:
Why you are interested in applying through QuestBridge
A list of colleges to which you are applying
An activities resume
Your transcript
A draft of your college application personal essay
Personal information such as your family situation
“Thank you in advance” note
Following up
Check back with your recommenders to ensure everything is going well, to see if they have questions, and to give them friendly reminders about deadlines. After the recommendation is submitted, keep your recommenders updated about the results of your college application process. Remember, you may need to ask them for another recommendation at a later time, either for another application or scholarship.
For more tips on identifying recommenders and asking for recommendations, download this guide.