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How to Use Your Summers

Review tips and resources to maximize your summers in high school and prepare for college.

Reflecting and setting goals

When reviewing a college application, admissions officers want to know how a student is spending their time outside of the classroom. Wherever you are in your high school career, making the most of your summers is a great way to set yourself apart from other applicants. Use our worksheet to reflect on how you can spend your summer productively. 

For high school seniors

The summer before your senior year is an especially key time to prepare for the upcoming college application process. View our Summer Before 12th Grade Checklist for a successful summer. We also encourage you to spend the summer before your senior year applying to fall fly-in programs, so that you can explore opportunities to travel to and visit schools for free or a low cost in order to find your best college fit. If you are a student in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade, you can refer to our other grade-specific checklists as well.

Summer activities


Demonstrate your work ethic by holding a job over the summer. “Work” includes a broad range of activities, such as:

  • Being employed by a local company
  • Holding an internship
  • Shadowing someone at their work
  • Working (paid or unpaid) for a family business
  • Creating your own business/being self-employed
  • Taking care of home or family responsibilities*

*Taking care of home or family responsibilities can take up a significant amount of time for students. It's important to note that similar to any paid work opportunity, spending time focusing on these responsibilities can be equally as valuable for a student to grow, develop leadership skills, and explore their interests during the summer. No matter how you spend your summer, the important thing is that you are demonstrating your responsibility and work ethic.



Display and dive deeply into your passion(s) by volunteering. Even if you are only able to volunteer a few hours each week, making the effort to do so will allow you to explore your passions, and discover how to communicate them effectively in a college application. You will learn more aspects of the cause or career field, allowing you to become more knowledgeable about something you care about.

Having genuine passion is important! Make sure to do your research and find an organization with a mission or field you are interested in. If you are able to connect volunteering to your future academic or career interests, admissions officers will pay attention. 


Summer classes

Prove your intellectual excitement by taking a summer course from a local college, high school, or online program. As a high school student, you might be able to get discounts on community college courses, and these classes can often transfer for high school credit. 

If you want to take a class not offered in your area, look into free online courses, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). While you might not be able to gain credit for these courses, you will be able to demonstrate your active interest in a particular area or career field. You may also receive a certificate of completion for your accomplishment.


College programs

Apply to a college or university's summer program for high school students. Many colleges offer summer programs for high school students in a variety of subjects. This is a great opportunity to get a glimpse of life beyond high school and experience college life firsthand.

Keep in mind that many summer programs (especially residential ones where you live on campus) can be quite expensive. Scholarships are available through the College Prep Scholars Program, and many programs offer financial aid. Conduct your research early and contact the program representatives for more information.

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