Williams College

Are QuestBridge students evaluated any differently than standard applicants?
No. Williams utilizes the same holistic evaluation process to evaluate all applicants. That said, the QuestBridge application affords students greater opportunity to convey particular experiences and/or background information that can be helpful during our review.
How do QuestBridge Match financial aid packages differ from standard Williams financial aid packages?
Students admitted via the QuestBridge College Match are guaranteed full financial support for all four years at Williams.
Williams guarantees to meet 100% of demonstrated financial need for all students, regardless of Match status, and boasts one of the most generous financial aid programs in the country. Most students whose parents earn less than $75,000 annually receive full financial support and all financial aid packages are comprised entirely of scholarships and grants. That means no loans and no requirement to work on campus for your personal expenses! To get an idea of what your Williams financial aid package might look like, please use our quick cost estimator. It takes less than two minutes to complete!
Do I need to submit the Common Application to apply to Williams via the College Match?
No. If you'd like to apply to Williams via the College Match you only need to include Williams on your rankings list.
Can international students apply to Williams via the QuestBridge Match?
Yes. All applicants, regardless of citizenship or visa status, are eligible to apply to Williams via the QuestBridge College Match.
Can undocumented students apply to Williams via the QuestBridge Match?
Yes. All applicants, regardless of citizenship or visa status, are eligible to apply to Williams via the QuestBridge College Match. To learn more about our admission and financial aid policies for undocumented students or those with DACA status, please visit our website.
I put Williams on my rankings list but was not matched with Williams or any other school. Can I use my QuestBridge application to apply to Williams via Regular Decision?
Yes, we are happy to consider your QuestBridge application as your Regular Decision application, but you will also need to submit the QuestBridge Application Form for your Regular Decision application to be complete. You also need to submit the 2022 federal tax returns forms for your financial aid application to be complete.
I am a non-participating Finalist. Can I use my QuestBridge application to apply to Williams via Regular Decision?
Yes, we are happy to consider your QuestBridge application as your Regular Decision application, but you will also need to submit the QuestBridge Application Form for your Regular Decision application to be complete. You also need to submit the 2022 federal tax returns and forms for your financial aid application to be complete.
I am a non-matched Finalist who did not include Williams on my match list. Can I use my QuestBridge application to apply to Williams via Regular Decision?
Yes, we are happy to consider your QuestBridge application as your Regular Decision application, but you will also need to submit the QuestBridge Application Form for your Regular Decision application to be complete. You also need to submit the 2022 federal tax returns and forms for your financial aid application to be complete.
As a QuestBridge Finalist who is applying to Williams via Regular Decision do I need to write new or additional essays for the Common Application and Williams Supplement?
No. There is no need to submit a Common Application, but if you choose to do so you can simply reuse your favorite QuestBridge essays for the Common Application essays, regardless of whether they address the prompts or exceed the word limits.
As a QuestBridge Finalist who is applying to Williams via Regular Decision do I need to submit teacher recommendations and a secondary school report?
No. This information will already be included in your QuestBridge application, but if you would like to submit additional recommendations, they may be emailed to [email protected].
As a QuestBridge Finalist can I use my QuestBridge application to apply to Williams via Early Decision?
Yes. Simply submit the QuestBridge Application Form and indicate that you will be applying Early Decision by noon Eastern Standard Time on December 5, 2023.
Who do I contact if I have questions about Williams or QuestBridge?
Feel free to send any inquiries about the QuestBridge process or the college admissions process in general to [email protected].
Can I connect with current Williams QuestBridge Scholars?
Absolutely! Williams has a thriving QuestBridge Scholar Network that is happy to answer any questions you have!