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Tufts University

Medford, MA

National College Match Scholarship Package

These numbers reflect the estimated student expenses for the 2024-2025 school year. Amounts will increase slightly from year to year, but as the cost of college increases, financial aid packages will correspondingly increase. Your official financial aid award will be sent to you directly from Tufts.

Annual Cost

Annual Cost of Attendance



Housing & Food


Books & Supplies






Health Insurance






How Annual Costs Are Covered



Federal Work Study


Student Summer Work Contribution


Parent Contribution


Student Savings


Student Loan




Policy Regarding Outside Funding 

Outside funding up to $2,200 reduces the work study award. Any outside funding in excess of $2,200 will reduce the Tufts Grant by a corresponding amount.

Policy on Medical Insurance

Tufts requires all students to have medical insurance. Students can waive the Tufts Medical Insurance if covered by a family member or another medical insurance plan. For Match students not covered by another plan, Tufts will cover the cost of the Tufts medical insurance.

Policy on Travel Allowance

The travel allowance is variable, based on the distance of the student's home address from Massachusetts.

Policy on Student Contribution

Students may choose to replace their work study and student summer work contribution with a loan.

Students use campus and summer job earnings to pay for books and supplies, travel, and personal expenses.

The work study expectation will increase each year.

Requirements Associated with Maintaining this Award

Students are eligible for 8 semesters of aid as long as they maintain good academic standing. Students enrolled in the 5-Year Combined Degree BFA + BA/BS are eligible for 10 semesters of aid as long as they maintain good academic standing.