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Colorado College

Colorado Springs, CO

National College Match Scholarship Package

These numbers reflect estimated student expenses for the 2024-2025 school year. Amounts will change slightly from year to year, but as the cost of college increases, the scholarship packages will correspondingly increase. Your official financial aid award will be included in a letter directly from Colorado College.

Annual Cost

Annual Cost of Attendance



Housing & Food


Books & Supplies



$1,230 (varies)



Health Insurance

See Below





How Annual Costs Are Covered



Federal Work-Study


Student Summer Work Contribution


Parent Contribution


Student Savings


Student Loan




 Policy on Outside Funding

Students may apply to receive scholarships from organizations outside of Colorado College. The receipt of outside scholarship money will only reduce a student's CC need-based grant aid (not any federal grant aid) if those monies cause the total of their financial aid package to exceed their cost of attendance.

Policy on Health Insurance

All students are required to have health insurance while attending Colorado College and to provide annual proof of coverage. The college offers a comprehensive Student Health Insurance Plan, $3,712. If a student elects coverage under a different plan, their health insurance must meet minimum criteria, which are available on the Student Health Insurance Plan website. More information is available with the Student Health Center. Costs for health insurance is adjusted and published every summer by the Student Health Center

Policy on Travel

A travel allowance will be included in your cost of attendance, and this will be considered when being offered grant aid and work study. However, grant aid is not released directly to students to cover this expense nor are work study funds, should students choose to work on campus. Students should be prepared to pay for their transportation to Colorado College in the fall.

Policy on Student Contribution

Students are expected to arrive on campus with savings from summer earnings to fund book expenses associated with courses. After arriving at Colorado College students are expected to utilize work opportunities on campus to fund limited personal expenses and return-home expenses during academic recess. A full handbook on campus funding opportunities to assist students in planning for their time at CC can be found here.

Requirements Associated with Maintaining this Award

Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress toward a degree as defined in the institution's academic catalog and be in good standing in accordance with College policy to maintain this award. Student awards are renewed each year at the agreement level above (work study and work contribution from summer covering books, travel, and personal while grants will cover the rest of the expenses).

Colorado College’s Financial Aid Overview 

Colorado College believes that one of the best investments is a good education and its pursuit should not be compromised by financial concerns. Many families mistakenly assume they cannot afford a private, liberal arts education. However, Colorado College seeks a highly qualified and diverse student body. For this reason, Colorado College offers a strong financial aid program that enables students form all economic backgrounds to enroll. Colorado College strongly urges students to explore the possibility of financial aid as they plan their college education.

It is Colorado College's goal to make CC affordable to all admitted students who apply for assistance on time. Colorado College grant assistance is based on students' financial eligibility and admission credentials.