Recommender Resources

Teachers and counselors can provide valuable insight into students' academic performance and/or personal character through recommendations. The School Report (counselor recommendation) can provide a sense of how a student stands out within their class at school. These letters are an important part of the application review process, and we greatly appreciate the time that educators and others take to submit recommendations for their students.

Required Recommendations

Recommendations are a required component for the College Prep Scholars Program and the National College Match. The online recommendation form includes questions about the student's academic performance and personal qualities, as well as space to include a letter of recommendation.

For the College Prep Scholars Program for high school juniors, applicants need to obtain:

  • One recommendation from a high school teacher in a core academic subject, preferably from junior or sophomore year.

For the National College Match application for high school seniors, applicants need to obtain two recommendations and one School Report:

  • Two recommendations from high school teachers in core academic subjects, preferably from junior year.
  • School Report from current high school counselor.

When students register recommenders in their application, the recommender will automatically receive an email from QuestBridge with a unique link to the recommendation form. Watch our QuestTips video to learn more about how recommendations are submitted:

Writing Recommendations

Strong letters of recommendation can differentiate a student among a large pool of applicants. Watch our webinar recording with admissions officers from our college partners to learn more about what makes a recommendation stand out.

Recommender FAQs